Maybe... o piesa care mi-a adus o idee draguta.
Pana acum am fost oarecum egoista cu fotografiile mele. Nu le-am expus decat pe internet si in rarele ocazii prilejuite de ceva expozitii. Iar azi am descoperit ca mi-ar placea ca unele fotografii sa ajunga la voi, la cei care le vor.
Asa ca... maybe exista persoane care si-ar dori un print cu una din fotografiile mele. Poate cineva le-a vazut, poate i-au placut... Poate nu.
Dar daca ar dori sa faca un cadou cuiva drag, ceva deosebit si oarecum unic (pentru ca pana acum foarte putine persoane au printurile mele acasa), este binevenit/a cu un mail, intrebare, etc.
Si pentru ca nu fac acest lucru pe motiv financiar, las la alegerea celui care cumpara stabilirea pretului, a dimensiunilor printului si poate chiar a modului de inramare. Discutam unde mergem sa printam, ne interesam de preturi si detalii.
Sunt curioasa daca exista cineva care sa dea atentie unei idei venite pe o piesa cu titlul "Maybe"
Portofoliul meu aproape complet il gasiti la adresa: zi minunata va doresc, stimabili urmaritori! =)
"Maybe"... the song that brought me a nice idea. So far I've been somehow selfish with my photos. I've exposed them only on the internet or during some rare exhibitions.
And today I discovered that I would really like a thing: I would like my photos to reach you, to reach the ones who want and like them.So ... maybe there are persons who would like a print with one of my images. Maybe there is someone who saw my works, liked my works and wants my works. =) Or maybe not... =)
So who wants a print, or who wants to make a gift to a dear person, something special and somehow unique (because until now few people have my prints at home) is welcomed. For further questions you find me here: email and id messenger.
And because I don't do this for financial reasons, I leave you the choice of setting the price, size, and even the printing frame. Just write an email and we'll see about these details.
I am curious if there is someone who will pay attention to an idea coming on a song named "Maybe".
You will find all my portofolio here: a good day, dear watchers!